Usage based insurance is becoming wide spread with insurance companies today. Most insurance companies decide your rate based on general statistics in your area. State Auto gives you the option to get a personalized rate based on your driving with Safety 360.
To get your personalized rate, a device is required to be plugged into your car computer (OBDII Port).
You will drive around with this device for the life of your policy term and then return it to State Auto in packaging provided. You will have the ability to track your progress on State Auto Connect.
If you are having trouble installing the device, please bring it by our agency and we will install it for you!
When you first sign up for The Safety 360 program, you will receive a 10% discount. When the policy renews, you will receive a personalized discount up to 25%. This will replace the original 10% discount.
State Auto will not add a surcharge if your driving does not qualify for a discount.
State Auto does not give your driving information out to anyone. It is used only to calculate your driving score. The data collected includes:
Most drivers are uncomfortable with their vehicle location being tracked. If you have ever used Google Maps or Waze, you have already given your vehicle position away to a third party. As always, the ability to back out of the program once you sign up is available, however you will lose your discount. State Auto guarantees that the data will only be used to score your driving.
If you fail to return the device to State Auto, a $50 fee will be charged. You can always return the device to our office and we can take care of sending it to State Auto. However, if the device is lost you will still be liable.